Getting it Done in ’21

As we say goodbye to 2020 (hey 2020, don’t let the door hit you in the you-know-what on the way out), collectively perhaps our least favorite year, we shouldn’t forget that December is a great time to plan for a better year ahead.   Whether setting business goals or personal ones, now is your opportunity for contemplation, planning and goal setting.  Maybe you use meditation to clear the decks for beginner’s mind or sip a glass of wine to help your right-brain creativity shine.  Can or should you resolve to do great things over the next twelve months?

New Year’s is traditionally when we make resolutions. And what is a resolution but a goal? We often start each year setting forth goals that we hope to accomplish in the coming days, weeks and months. Sadly, most of us fail to keep many of our resolutions. In fact, statistically, most Americans will miss the target on their New Year’s propositions.

An interesting book addresses the power of commitment. Commitment is the strategy utilized to match your aims. Consequently, it may be raised or lowered accordingly. In her book, Commit to Win, author Heidi Reeder, PhD (©2014, Hudson Street Press) draws upon decades of research to create an equation for commitment made up of four variables. Dr. Reeder expresses commitment as follows:

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Can Do . . . But Won’t

(c) 2020 Ann Babiarz & Associates LLC

Are you a “yes” person?  If so,  I bet you take pride in pleasing those around you.  Great job!  Kudos to you for the daily sacrifices you make in order to make sure that everyone is happy.   Everyone ELSE that is.  

So why do you do it?  Why put everyone else first and yourself last?   For some, saying yes is a habit; for others, it is almost an addiction that makes them feel that they need to be needed and as though they are contributing to someone else’s life.  What gives?  

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The “C” Word That can Make or Break Your Business & Your Life

Pirate map. A way to treasure

Treasures & Focus!!

An interesting new book addresses the power of commitment. Commitment is the strategy utilized to match your aims. Consequently, it may be raised or lowered accordingly. In her book, Commit to Win, author Heidi Reeder, PhD (©2014, Hudson Street Press) draws upon decades of research to create an equation for commitment made up of four variables. Dr. Reeder expresses commitment as follows:

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3 Steps to Thriving in Business by Using the “F” Word

3d rendered little blue Floopi cartoon character holding a magnifying glass in front of his face on white

By the way, the “F” word is FOCUS!


Do you have shiny object syndrome? Are you an opportunity junkie? In other words, do you find it hard to focus on the core mission of your business because you find other opportunities constantly distract you?

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Seven reasons why you can’t shut down your business and get a job — occupational revelational

You’ve had it. You are tired of banging your head against the wall every day trying to make a go of your business. Lately, you have taken to reading online job postings. You start dreaming of regular paychecks being directly deposited into your bank account. Maybe you could actually pay your credit card bill with something other than a cash advance check from another credit card offering. [Read more…]