Make some small decisions today

Let’s face it, big choices or big decisions are hard ones. That’s why they’re called “big”! [Read more…]

Turn I’m bored into I’m board . . .

Let’s face it.  The kids are bored.  Scrolling through 115 television channels, each of which has nothing on, was never your idea of “family time”. Why not spend some quality time with your children that doesn’t involve some form of video screen? [Read more…]

How fella got his groove back, part two. . .

In addition to the pithy maxim “fake it until you make it,” another bit of advice comes from a slightly more formal source.  An Eastern proverb, somewhat paraphrased, essentially tells us to always cast our hook into the water, even if you are not sure that there is anything there, or even if it’s been there a while and the fish aren’t biting. When you least expect it, you’ll catch a finned friend. What this is speaking to is perseverance. No one prospers without perseverance.

How fella got his groove back. . .

Everyone from mainstream scientists to sports psychologists to metaphysicians recognize the power of positive thinking. But sometimes that’s not an easy thing to do. How do you get your groove back as your trundling through your own dark night of the soul? [Read more…]

I can’t work for anybody else.

Maybe you are like me. You chafe under the authority of a boss. Even a benevolent boss who may be a great person to work for still exercises a great deal of control over your day. [Read more…]

The best job ever?

Solopreneuring is the best alternative to a job. In today’s world, no one has assurances of continued employment except under rare circumstances. Virtually every job, even those once deemed to be less subject to layoffs, are no longer safe harbors. And as for myself, I feel more secure trying to make my own job, so to speak, every day. As an entrepreneur you are in control of your future. Well, more control anyway. And no, there is no security when you run your own business. But there’s not much working as a wage slave for someone else either

Yet another reason to be an entrepreneur . . .

Being on my own gives me the opportunity to brainstorm and to solve puzzles my own way. One of the missions of virtually every large organization, from the military on down to most corporate environments, is to train or mold employees into serviceable parts. Whether you are a private in the U.S. Army, or you are an IBM-er, you have to be trained or indoctrinated into matching your goals with those of your organization. On my own, I make up the goals. Moreover, I really enjoy brainstorming to try to figure out solutions to problems. That’s something that’s tough to do as a wage slave. Yes, I know there are companies that value innovation and encourage free-form thinking, but I believe these are still rare. With myself, sometimes bouncing ideas off of other colleagues, I can think of 100 ideas, of which 99 would suck, but one of them might be really valuable. Not only is this a cool way to spend my day, I think I might be run out of any typical big organization.

Are you burned out? (part 2 of 2)

Last time,(January 20th) we looked at the first three signs of burnout; here are four more: [Read more…]

Are you burned out? (part 1 of 2)

You fall violently ill one day and there are two physicians who are available to treat you. To your right is Dr. Black, who has no experience whatsoever in the disease that ails you. To your left is Dr. White, who is expert on the diagnosis and treatment of your disease, but really doesn’t care about patients, medicine or healing the sick at all. You are really stuck like Buridan’s ass, aren’t you? [Read more…]

When is the right occasion for meditation?

“Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen and absorb.” Pythagoras (570-495 B.C.E.)

For many of us, the busyness of Christmas and New Year’s Day is broken by a week or so of  slower paced days that exist between these holidays. Is there a way to take these quiet times and go deeper into the silence? Here is an excerpt from the recent book “Your Life, Live it Well: Spirituality” that may point you in one direction: [Read more…]