Happy Holidays – Part II!


Happy Holidays!


What You Need to Know for New Years’ Eve

What is it that you need to know for New Years’ Eve?   [Read more…]

Plays well with others?

“The prophets are one family of God. Some have come in one country, some in another. But they belong to us all. If we celebrate the day of our prophet and criticize others, it is my feeling that our prophet will not be pleased, and we will never become enlightened. God has emphasized the same message through each prophet: “Go and teach the people love, teach them how to live well, take away their fears and their evils.” In essence, all prophets sacrificed to create good human beings.” — Baba Virsa Singh

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all!

New Year’s resolutions stink!

It’s that time of year again. Okay, so the Christmas commercials on TV and radio started many weeks ago. But most of us are now thinking of the holidays. One of the things many of us like to do is to make New Year’s resolutions. We have great intentions of changing bad habits, creating new, good habits, and achieving great goals. [Read more…]

Annabolic Times-December, 2012 It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year


As December continues, our communities, workplaces, and perhaps even our families buzz with energy. Radio stations switch to all-holiday music formats. The Muppets sing Christmas carols on TV. Bell ringers appear outside grocery stores and in the malls.

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Annabolic Times-November, 2008 Saying Yes to You During the Holidays

Now that Halloween of ’08 is a ghost of the past, and the election is over-the upcoming holiday season is fast approaching.

In our culture, the holiday season is usually filled with family, food, parties and people. However, due to the economic circumstances surrounding us, this holiday season may look a little different than those in recent history. Does this mean our holidays have to be less wonderful? Absolutely not! Like everything else, it all depends on your perspective. Think about it, the phrase-it’s the thought that counts-applies to more than the receiving of a good or a bad gift. What is your holiday outlook this year?

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