From whence do your beliefs come?

We all believe in things. Sometimes these things are so important as to be core values, such as a belief in God or the Golden Rule. Other beliefs may be further down on our belief hierarchy, like believing we look better wearing green rather than red. [Read more…]

When creating content, find what interests your audience and give it to them.

In creating content, don’t be speaking of yourself or your company at all times. Fill that content hole with things that interest your group. [Read more…]

Consistency is the key to content

You created your website, and now you want to blog on it. Most experts will tell you this is a wise decision. Engaging content is a key reason why a site builds traffic. And traffic is important to developing a following, leads, and ultimately, customers. Content is king in the new paradigm of web-based marketing. [Read more…]

Why resumes are overrated

If you are hiring an employee, one of the first things you will ask for is a resume. And while you shouldn’t ignore the resume altogether — it contains background information with respect to schools, prior employment and such — relying upon it to provide you a lot of useful information may be a mistake. [Read more…]

Today’s marketing tip for the small entrepreneur

We’re all familiar with focus groups. But getting together a group of people in a room with a moderator for guided discussion is expensive for the small entrepreneur. [Read more…]

Is your business too small for website?

Is a website essential for any sized business?  Here are seven things to consider: [Read more…]

Entrepreneur tip for the day — required reading: your business insurance policies

Most of us are familiar with insurance. Periodically, you pay a premium in return for a promise by a company to pay for a loss you may incur that the policy covers, up to a specific total amount. Almost anything can be insured. We are all aware of automobile policies, and coverage for our homes.  And of course, we have various insurance policies that cover our business. [Read more…]

What You Need to Know for New Years’ Eve

What is it that you need to know for New Years’ Eve?   [Read more…]

The Seven Deadly Sins of entrepreneurship — part four

The fourth of Gandhi’s seven spiritually detrimental traits is knowledge without character.   In the world of entrepreneurship, think of this fourth trait or sin, as being all analytical while ignoring your “softer” side. In other words, you deal only with cold, hard facts, and brush off the intuitive, emotional, and creative elements of your self. [Read more…]

The key to success in everything

There is a singular skill, which if you possess it, is the most definitive predictor of success in any component of a human life. Whether we speak of success in business, success in work, success in relationships, or simply success defined as a satisfied and well-lived life, this one element is the key driver towards achievement in any area.

What is this magical skill, potent elixir, million-dollar idea?

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