Busyness versus productivity

Many of us, entrepreneur and hired hand alike, add up the excessive hours we work and display them as a quasi-badge of honor. True, employers often demand more than the eight hour day from their employees. Moreover, if you own your own business, you know that there is always something more you can do, more time you can spend.

Yet, do hours worked equate to accomplishment?

Whiteboard equation


I dug a little bit into recent statistics on productivity, both in the United States, and in various European countries. I found the numbers thought-provoking (okay, I am a bit of a geek). Various tables tell us the number of hours worked by the average worker, and the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, a commonly used productivity metric. When combining these statistics, a fascinating tale is told. [Read more…]

Do you stink at estimating?

Ever budget a figure for your medical expenses and find later that you’re way off? Or, estimate the amount of time it will take you to pull weeds in your backyard or build that new deck and wind up spending far more hours than you thought? [Read more…]