The Road to Perdition is Paved with What?

(c) 2009 and revised (c) 2020 by Ann Babiarz & Associates LLC

We’re more than halfway through our summer and of our year 2020. Which, if any, of your New Years’ resolutions are still pending? What changes do you still want to make? How can you make this year better than last? Yes, I am aware that this is a most unusual year, due to circumstances beyond our control.  Nonetheless, with respect to much of how you view your journey through life, there is still a lot that you can shape, create and achieve, moment by precious moment. The choice is yours.

In his song, Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes, Jimmy Buffet sings “Yesterday is over my shoulder, so I can’t look back for too long, there’s too much to see waiting in front of me and I know that I just can’t go wrong.”  To me, these words are powerful because they reflect a forward-looking and positive perspective.  According to Brian Tracy in his Personal Success program, successful people think about what they want, most of the time.  What are you thinking about most of the time?

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Are you a renaissance man/woman?

Much is written on finding one’s passion in life. Many of us search, sometimes for years, and sadly, sometimes in vain, for the purpose, the activity, the career, or the business, the really gets our juices flowing. But what if you find that there is not one passion to your life, but many? [Read more…]

Get in the Zone

Top athletes recognize the value of sleep, exercise, diet, meditation and other calming practices and mind-body fitness for peak performance. “Getting in the zone” is proven by a number of studies. [Read more…]

What’s the key component to the successful entrepreneurial life?

Philosophers often speak of activities having either intrinsic value or instrumental value. As I understand this, something has intrinsic value if it provides meaning to you in and of itself. An activity that has instrumental value is more of a means to an end. [Read more…]

Passion in action

Top thought leaders in the world of entrepreneurship will tell you that if your sole purpose in creating a business is to make money, your risk of failure increases dramatically. You will be less likely to be engaged in creating and building an empire about which you care little. And, without hard work, a new business will have a tough road to travel. [Read more…]

Is this any business of yours?

The genesis of a new entrepreneurial venture comes from one of two sources. Either the entrepreneur has a great idea, and decides to create a business from it, or wants to start a business and needs an idea. [Read more…]