Learning to quit?
If you are like most of us, one of the things that was drummed into your head as a child by your parents was to finish what you start. Being a quitter is a bad thing, right?
With respect to restricting information input, being a quitter can actually be a wise move. If you start an article, and nothing within it grabs your attention in the first couple of paragraphs, feel free to put it down. If you check a book out of the library, look at the table of contents, and consider reading only those chapters in which you have an interest. Don’t be afraid to NOT finish what you start when it comes to reading, listening to, or otherwise acquiring information.
When was the last time you went to a movie theater, and after the first 20 or 30 minutes you felt the movie was terrible, and you walked out? Or, are you the type that no matter how abysmal the flick is, you will stay to the bitter end, getting your $12 worth?
Finally, one of the biggest mistakes novice stock traders make is holding on to a plunging stock as its price sinks into the abyss. Set a number at which you will “quit” the trade if the stock drops to that level, BEFORE you click “buy”.
Are you a quitter?