Are you a renaissance man/woman?

Much is written on finding one’s passion in life. Many of us search, sometimes for years, and sadly, sometimes in vain, for the purpose, the activity, the career, or the business, the really gets our juices flowing. But what if you find that there is not one passion to your life, but many?

Folks who find many activities, topics or areas of study interesting are sometimes looked down upon. We criticize them for not being able to stick with one thing, being flighty, or unfocused. But there is another school of thought that portrays these individuals in a different light.

There are those who have masterfully integrated multiple passions into a successful career, business or life. Whether they pursue passions simultaneously or consecutively, these individuals never seemed bored. Life is exciting, and can be extremely fulfilling and rewarding as well.

Serial entrepreneurs may be one category. How many individuals do we know that have started not one business in their lifetime, but many? Moreover, sometimes the businesses that these individuals create have nothing in common. The owner of the maid service, next starts a restaurant, and then winds up as a consultant in the IT field.

People who like to scan from one opportunity to the next may have a leg up in our fast-paced society. Gone are the days where we graduated from high school or college, and went to work for a company for the next 50 years. Most companies don’t even last that long, never mind the jobs with them. Thought leaders in the field of the future of economic output throughout the modern world tell us that we all will need to reboot or reengineer ourselves many times over throughout our productive lives.

So if you are one of those individuals — perhaps you’ve been labeled as skittish, unfocused or not able to commit to something — can you turn that around? Are you instead a Renaissance man or woman? You may be one of the lucky ones that are good at many skills or tasks, and enjoy them as well. This could be a blessing instead of a curse!

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