No matter how you slice it, authenticity is key. One of the tenents to being successful in business, indeed in life, is to be someone that people know, like and trust. You must be yourself in all situations. In this way, everyone wins, because the energy vibration is much higher.
When I became ill, a big fear I had was that I would lose clients of my business. But I chose not to react from that place of fear.
Instead, my “team” — my husband, other affiliate coaches, and I — did the best we could to keep clients, referral sources and other key individuals informed. Even if there was little to say, communication was critical. We were also as transparent as we could be.
We understood if folks couldn’t wait to resume coaching sessions with me. After all, everyone has plans and goals to carry out. If clients needed to seek the services of another firm, I needed to understand that.
What I did find is that my clients, to a large extent, waited for me. And for that I was and still am grateful.
In situations where you are going through chaos, trying to stall or put off clients, friends or others with vague excuses does not work. Unless there is an urgent or exigent situation, many will wait for you. In fact, the ones who will stick with you will tend to be the better clients, or the better friends. They will be folks with whom you enjoy interactions the most. They will be ones for whom the relationship has always worked and will continue to work the best. It certainly worked this way for me.
Be transparent and honest with those who are depending upon you. This may be difficult to do as chaos swirls about you, but the ultimate rewards will be great.
*this is a “snowclone”, a new phrase or adaptation of “gray is the new black” from the fashion world, used as a new variant. See snowclone, Wikipedia, . Retrieved July 3, 2015.