Have you wondered how can you protect your loved ones – especially if they have special concerns — if you should pass away? So many of my clients are worried that someone will try to take control of their family and their money and their family will wind up fighting over this in court. Some even worry that somehow the government will step in and become intimately involved with their families or will drain away their assets, whether much or modest, that they worked so hard to accumulate.
This is a topic about which my husband Michael is well acquainted. He spent decades working with clients in private practice consulting with them on asset protection, estate planning and administration and elder law. Now no longer giving legal advice, he still teaches these very subjects. And while none of us want our lives to be an adventure — when it comes to asset protection and estate planning boring is good — these topics nonetheless make for cool stories. He and I wrote The Graveyard Gambit where these issues were interwoven, he continued to use them as the backdrop in the sequel, The Graveyard Gamble, and personal and pecuniary protection is on the minds of his signature character, Alexis Grant, as she winds her way through one tight spot after another in The Graveyard Grifter. You can check out the latter by clicking here, as I am offering that tale as a special gift to you.
And although these stories are fictional, protecting yourself, your family and your assets are real concerns, especially in today’s uncertain and tumultuous times. I have another short video in my Wait a Financial Minute series that you should check out that will help you navigate these rough waters. Click here to watch How to Protect Special Family Members.