The Family Business

Today’s post appears courtesy of Debbie Pott. Learn more about her at

If you find yourself working in the family business or the career that was held by previous family members, you have to ask yourself 2 questions.

Why did you choose to follow in your parent’s footsteps?

Are you enjoying what you are doing?

Maybe you were pushed into it by your parents. Maybe you thought at the time, why not, they seem to enjoy it, they’re successful and they make a pretty good living.

Maybe you went into just to make them happy. You weren’t really thrilled about it, but you didn’t want to seem ungrateful. Maybe they put you through school or spent a lot of time teaching you the family trade. Guilt is a terrible motivator!

And maybe it was something that you have always wanted to do and never thought of doing anything else.

Then there are always those that really had no motivation to do anything else, so why not do it if Mommy and Daddy are going to give me a job.

The reasons why are not that important until you answer the second question.

Are you enjoying what you are doing? Maybe your heart wasn’t in it when you first started, but you really learned not only to like it, but even be very good at it. So who cares what your motivation was! It turned out pretty good.

If, on the other hand, you really are not happy with what you are doing, you may need to make a decision. Depending on your level of discontent or a burning desire in another field, you may want to think about doing something else.

It may not even be that you don’t enjoy what you do. Working with family can be very stressful and put a strain on your relationships both in and out of work. In many instances, there is no friction or tension, and everyone gets along great, because they have the same passion, vision and goals. But is some instances, it is not always as smooth sailing.

When you get to the point where you are considering leaving the family business, you are faced with a few more obstacles then just leaving a regular job or career. You may be afraid of letting your parents down. If you are in a true family business, your leaving may just cause the doors to shut! That can be a lot of pressure!

Your eventual decision will be based on many factors. Maybe leaving is the right move for you; maybe it isn’t.

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