Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and Success

Life After the Box episode first aired June 17, 2020, and features special guest Eric Jackier. (c) 2020 by Ann Babiarz & Associates LLC

Segment 1
Segment 2 featuring special guest Eric Jackier
Segment 3
Segment 4

Can Do . . . But Won’t

(c) 2020 Ann Babiarz & Associates LLC

Are you a “yes” person?  If so,  I bet you take pride in pleasing those around you.  Great job!  Kudos to you for the daily sacrifices you make in order to make sure that everyone is happy.   Everyone ELSE that is.  

So why do you do it?  Why put everyone else first and yourself last?   For some, saying yes is a habit; for others, it is almost an addiction that makes them feel that they need to be needed and as though they are contributing to someone else’s life.  What gives?  

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When Your But Gets in the Way

(c) 2020 Ann Babiarz & Associates LLC


Hey, I got your attention, didn’t I? Now go back and read how I spelled the word “but” in the title.

That’s better. We are now on the same page!

As we walk this path we call life, most of the greatest joys and biggest sorrows are derived from our interactions with other fellow human travelers. Whether or not we can attain a “10” on our life satisfaction scale (calibrated from 1 to 10), depends upon our perception of the outcomes from these interactions.

[Read more…]

Limiting beliefs and your money

Life After the Box episode first aired June 8, 2020. (c) 2020 by Ann Babiarz & Associates LLC

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3 with special guest Greg Firman
Segment 4

More about misfits and messes

. . . featuring special guests Mark Chamberlain and Rita Williams

(c) 2020 by Ann Babiarz & Associates LLC

Segment 1
Segment 2 featuring special guest Mark Chamberlain
Segment 3
Segment 4 featuring special guest Rita Williams

Turning it Over

In light of these challenging times, I thought this might be a wonderful story to share. It is from the program “Lead the Field” by Earl Nightingale. Earl Nightingale was one of the greats in the personal development industry. He was someone who not only inspired to pursue a career in personal development but one in radio as well. In fact, I was lucky enough to begin working at Nightingale Conant back in 2008. Amazing how things happen when you put them out into the Universe! 

There are many lessons in this story. If you are feeling a bit out of sorts, perhaps this will inspire you to keep going. We all need that sometimes. 


One evening, a five-year old boy went to his father, gave him a BIG hug and then whispered in his ear: “Daddy, we don’t spend enough time together.”

The father, who loved his son so dearly, knew in his heart that he was right and replied: “You’re right son, and I’m so sorry! But I promise that I’ll make it up to you! Look… Since tomorrow is Saturday, why don’t we spend the entire day together? Just you and me!”

They agreed together on this plan and the little boy couldn’t be more happy. He went to bed that night with a big smile on his face, excited for the next day.

The next morning, the father woke up earlier than usual. He just wanted to make sure that he could still enjoy his cup of coffee with his morning newspaper, before his son awoke.
Lost in thought while reading the business section, he was caught by surprise when suddenly his son pulled the newspaper down and enthusiastically shouted: “Daddy, I’m up! Let’s play!”

The father, although excited to see his son and eager to spend the day together, found himself craving for just a little bit more time, so he could finish his morning routine.
He grabbed his son, gave him a HUGE hug and then quickly came up with an idea.

Earlier in his reading, he saw a full-page ad with a picture of the world as seen from space. He quickly found it, tore it up into little pieces, and spread them out on the table.
He found some tape for his son and said, “I want to see how fast you can put this puzzle together!”

The boy enthusiastically dove right in, while his father went back to reading the newspaper.

In a surprisingly short period of time, within just a few minutes, the boy had taped the picture back together. The father was astonished. He couldn’t believe it, so he asked his son, “How on earth did you do that so fast?”

The young boy replied, “It was easy, Dad! I couldn’t do it at first and I started to give up because it was so hard. But then I saw that there was a picture of a man on the other side. And when I put the man together, the world just fell into place.”

It’s time to put ourselves and our world back together. One step at a time.


(c) 2020 Ann Babiarz & Associates LLC

Listen to a rebroadcast of the radio show, Life After the Box, below:

Segment 1 (edited to remove a copyright protected song)
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4 (edited to remove a copyright protected song)

Poltergeists and Practical Jokes

(c) 2020 Ann Babiarz & Associates LLC

Of the four types limiting beliefs that hold us back from achieving our goals — gremlins, assumptions, interpretations and generalized limiting beliefs — perhaps none is more insidious than the gremlin. This is the little tiny voice inside your head (actually part of your normal self-talk) that says you can’t or shouldn’t do something. You are (fill in the blank): too young, too old, too dumb, too smart, too . . . whatever. The gremlin encourages you to play safe, to never take even an appropriate risk, and therefore to never grow.

Join Annie B, the transition magician, as she and her sidekick explore, somewhat humorously, the gremlin inside all of us and how we can tame this little monster, on this episode of Life After the Box

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4

Life After the Box: the wheel of life

Join host Annie B, the Transition Magician, with her trusty sidekick, as they take an informative and humorous trip through the wheel of life and how you can use this tool to evaluate where you are and how you can get to where you want to be in any area of life.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Your Work Self and Branding

An interview with Geraldine Gobbi from Life After the Box.

Join host Annie B, the Transition Magician, as she interviews our special guest from the U.K. about self-identification and work.

For more information, you can reach Geraldine at geraldine@evolution-law.com