
3 Tips for Tax-efficient Investing and Trading

The tax code allows investors and traders, and indeed all taxpayers, to pay the least amount of tax as is permitted by law. If you invest or trade stocks, bonds, options or other securities, you should be aware of how to best utilize the various accounts you have on your brokerage platform for maximum tax advantage. Consider the following three strategies. [Read more…]

Death, Taxes and Sordid Affairs

vector image of travel concept

vector image of travel concept

The average American’s estate plan consists of . . . nothing. Fully seventy percent of adults have prepared nothing with respect to their estate. Although there are a myriad of issues that can arise in crafting an effective plan — taxes, disgruntled disinherited beneficiaries, special-needs beneficiaries, multi-state real estate issues, etc. — EVERY individual has three concerns for which appropriate action must be taken. [Read more…]

The Marriage of Art & Money

The Marriage of Art and Money

I had the pleasure of interviewing Yuri Cataldo for my broadcast radio show, “Life Outside the Box.” Yuri is a fascinating individual. A creative soul who early on in his college career spurned a life in engineering for one in the arts, he has a unique talent to help artists and musicians couple their creative juices with entrepreneurial or career pursuits. Yuri is currently working with Emerson College towards implementing a curriculum that helps creative individuals marry art with business.

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3 Ways to Deal with Chaos

Horror movies have always been a Hollywood staple. Sometimes, the film maker intends to truly shock and horrify us, like in Silence of the Lambs.* Sometimes, the picture is a campy takeoff of a horror film, such as Sharknado.** And then there are films that were purportedly serious, but wind up unintentionally humorous. Plan 9 from Outer Space, anyone? *** [Read more…]

Where can you get a third mind?

Ten Reasons to Join a Mastermind Group

Mastermind groups were touted by Napoleon Hill as a key to success. Hill, long thought of as one of the founding fathers of the field of personal development, believed in regular meetings with a group of 2 or more committed individuals who shared a common goal of success. He formalized this idea in the 1920s and 1930s. He said, “a mastermind is the coordination of knowledge and effort in the spirit of harmony between 2 or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

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Are You a Quitter?

Learning to quit?

If you are like most of us, one of the things that was drummed into your head as a child by your parents was to finish what you start. Being a quitter is a bad thing, right? [Read more…]

(whispered) and the password is . .

[Guest post by Michael A. Babiarz — copyright 2016]

I’m old enough to remember the original incarnation of the game show Password. Airing from the early to late 1960s, it featured a voiceover announcer who told the TV viewers, in hushed tones, the answer to a particular puzzle that the contestant and his or her celebrity partner attempted to solve. On those few occasions when I was violently ill enough for my mother to allow me to miss school, I chose daytime game shows over soap operas for my TV viewing, as I nestled under a blanket on the living room sofa. Perhaps this is why I have mixed feelings whenever I see a television quiz show today. It brings back memories of being sick. I can’t enjoy lemon-lime soda either; Mom thought flat versions of this drink settled a grade schooler’s grumpy tummy. [Read more…]

The three fundamentals of work-life balance

This post is courtesy of Lynn Nagora, a Virtual Assistant whose services I use and heartily recommend.  For more information about Lynn, her company and her services, please visit: High Caliber VA.

Many an author has penned an article about work-life balance. Yet, this oft-mysterious foundation remains an elusive goal for most of us. Nonetheless, if you are able to achieve that proper mix between career/business and your spiritual/social/personal side, you will achieve better success in your work and so much more satisfaction in your life. [Read more…]

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes by Ann M. Babiarz, as told to Michael A. Babiarz

Creative Consultant: K. Lee — Editor: Annamaria Farbizio

©2015 by Ann M. Babiarz and Michael A. Babiarz, J.D., all rights reserved (see notice below)

Chapter 1: In the Beginning (part 10 of 10)

I shed tears again as I bid my sisters and mom farewell. The next day, Super Bowl Sunday, dawned bright and sunny. The temperature climbed rapidly into the mid-80s, and Michael took me out for a car ride in my little Mazda Miata convertible. How freaking glorious it felt, wind flowing through my hair, sun on my face, as we cruised along the rural roads leading into interior Collier County. On a whim we decided to stop by the little community of Immokalee. My favorite nurse from ICU mentioned she was from there and we never visited that town before. Immokalee is nestled among rich fields where tomatoes and other crops grew year-round. The drive there and back was awesome. [Read more…]

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to everyone!

Join our blog next week as we continue excerpts from the book Flashes of Light.