
An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes by Ann M. Babiarz, as told to Michael A. Babiarz

Creative Consultant: K. Lee — Editor: Annamaria Farbizio

©2015 by Ann M. Babiarz and Michael A. Babiarz, J.D., all rights reserved (see notice below)

Chapter 1: In the Beginning (part 9)

The flight with my mother, and sisters Deb and Denise, touched down at Southwest Florida International Airport almost simultaneously with my parole from the hospital. Securing a rental car, they navigated their way to my home, arriving an hour or so after I did. I barely had time to make myself presentable for their entrance. During my several day stint in the hospital, I didn’t even have a sponge bath. A shower felt great, and returned me to a more normal existence. Under the watchful eyes of my husband, instructed to be sure that I did’t slip, fall and hit my head, I scraped layers of sweat, hospital gels and goop, and dirt from every corner I could reach. Despite many a man’s prurient fantasies, this was not an erotic scene. One more humiliation remained, and was to stay for some time; no blade razors for my skin. I borrowed one of Michael’s old electric shavers and hacked away as best I could. [Read more…]

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes by Ann M. Babiarz, as told to Michael A. Babiarz

Creative Consultant: K. Lee — Editor: Annamaria Farbizio

©2015 by Ann M. Babiarz and Michael A. Babiarz, J.D., all rights reserved (see notice below)

[Read more…]

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes by Ann M. Babiarz, as told to Michael A. Babiarz

Creative Consultant: K. Lee — Editor: Annamaria Farbizio

©2015 by Ann M. Babiarz and Michael A. Babiarz, J.D., all rights reserved (see notice below)

Chapter 1: In the Beginning (part 7)

I started my slow, uphill road back by working with the stroke recovery team. Speech therapists provided exercises to retrain my brain. To my dismay, I discovered that in addition to speech, expressive aphasia includes damage to the ability to write. My first day out of ICU saw me attempting to print my name, and words describing objects in my room, as well as looking at pictures of a chair or a table and saying those words out loud. [Read more…]

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes by Ann M. Babiarz, as told to Michael A. Babiarz

Creative Consultant: K. Lee — Editor: Annamaria Farbizio

©2015 by Ann M. Babiarz and Michael A. Babiarz, J.D., all rights reserved (see notice below)

Chapter 1: In the Beginning (part 6)

The impact of my illness on my husband appeared almost disorienting. He suspected the worst with my first symptoms. Despite this, when he heard the words stroke and showers of clots, the look on his face revealed his shock. [Read more…]

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes by Ann M. Babiarz, as told to Michael A. Babiarz

Creative Consultant: K. Lee — Editor: Annamaria Farbizio

©2015 by Ann M. Babiarz and Michael A. Babiarz, J.D., all rights reserved (see notice below)

Chapter 1: In the Beginning (part 5)

My ER nurse proved prescient, and instead of being discharged home, as I dearly wished, I moved from emergency services to intensive care. I was grateful that most of the staff there went out of their way to ignore my husband’s presence in my room before or after the set visiting hours. I not only craved his comfort and companionship, but he helped interface with the now bewildering parade of doctors, therapists, and other assorted medical personnel who seemed to enter and depart my room at all hours of the day and night. The aphasia at that point was severe, and it made it difficult to interact with medical providers who, overstressed and overburdened, spent limited time with me. [Read more…]

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes by Ann M. Babiarz, as told to Michael A. Babiarz

Creative Consultant: K. Lee — Editor: Annamaria Farbizio

©2015 by Ann M. Babiarz and Michael A. Babiarz, J.D., all rights reserved (see notice below)

Chapter 1: In the Beginning (part 4)

Don’t get sick or you will go broke.

Those words, or some version of them, were burned into my brain from an early age. Whether from well-meaning family members, my own observations about the world around me, or some form of educational indoctrination, this belief rooted itself deep within my soul. A serious or chronic illness is a profound threat that can derail the best laid plans of any man (or woman). [Read more…]

How do you feel about your career?

Here is an article you may find of interest!  Yes, it’s been scientifically proven, hating your job can ruin your life.

Clink on the link below to find out how!

Do you hate your job?

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes by Ann M. Babiarz, as told to Michael A. Babiarz

Creative Consultant: K. Lee — Editor: Annamaria Farbizio

©2015 by Ann M. Babiarz and Michael A. Babiarz, J.D., all rights reserved (see notice below)

Chapter 1: In the Beginning (part 3)

The paramedics piloted my stretcher through the double doors into the ER. They gave me a reassuring pat on the arm and a smile, and I was transferred to the hands of hospital staff. The place was jammed; it was tourist season in the Naples area and doubling the county-wide population with snowbirds and visitors strained the capacity of the entire hospital.  Apparently my veins were somehow jammed as well. The IV follies continued, with multiple staffers failing to secure an adequate drip from either arm or hand. I listened with trepidation as two nurses talked of making an attempt using one of my feet. Thankfully, at that point, an experienced phlebotomist from another department arrived on the scene and, one skillful stick later, fluids flowed into my body, and blood into a multitude of specimen tubes.

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An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes by Ann M. Babiarz, as told to Michael A. Babiarz

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes by Ann M. Babiarz, as told to Michael A. Babiarz

Creative Consultant: K. Lee — Editor: Annamaria Farbizio

©2015 by Ann M. Babiarz and Michael A. Babiarz, J.D., all rights reserved (see notice below)

Chapter 1: In the Beginning (part 2)

Minutes later, the doorbell rang, followed in milliseconds by an insistent knock. I looked over, and to my surprise entered not paramedics, but a sheriff’s deputy. After briefly introducing himself to my husband, he strode over to me, and attempted to converse. I say attempted, because although I understood his questioning, my answers were problematic. And comical. When asked my name, my first response came out as nonsense. The deputy, my license in his hand, repeated the question, and like a flashback to a Cheech and Chong movie, I responded to his second inquiry with a question — “um, doesn’t the license say?”

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Flashes of Light 1

An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes by Ann M. Babiarz, as told to Michael A. Babiarz

Creative Consultant: K. Lee — Editor: Annamaria Farbizio

©2015 by Ann M. Babiarz and Michael A. Babiarz, J.D., all rights reserved (see copyright notice below)

Chapter 1: In the Beginning

I couldn’t read. I saw the words on the page. My brain knew them, I wanted to say them. But when I tried, my lips formed a language where every third word or so was garbled gibberish.

I had been up burning the midnight oil. Or rather I blazed through the midnight hour into the early morning. Next week, I was to interview author Joe Vitale on behalf of the Nightingale-Conant Insider’s Club. The topic was his newest program. I was reading and annotating the book that was a companion to the program. *

I queried numerous authors in the past on behalf of Nightingale. It was a perfect match. I always admired that company’s dedication to the art and science of personal development and marveled at the quality of the minds they attracted for their programs. They found my years of coaching experience and stint spent as a radio host the perfect complement. I enjoyed the give-and-take with various authors, as I taped the hour-long or so sessions that would later be used for broadcast to the thousands of Insider’s Club members. [Read more…]