An Excerpt from Chapter One of Flashes of Light: How to reboot your life, your business or both when chaos strikes by Ann M. Babiarz, as told to Michael A. Babiarz
Creative Consultant: K. Lee — Editor: Annamaria Farbizio
©2015 by Ann M. Babiarz and Michael A. Babiarz, J.D., all rights reserved (see notice below)
Chapter 1: In the Beginning (part 9)
The flight with my mother, and sisters Deb and Denise, touched down at Southwest Florida International Airport almost simultaneously with my parole from the hospital. Securing a rental car, they navigated their way to my home, arriving an hour or so after I did. I barely had time to make myself presentable for their entrance. During my several day stint in the hospital, I didn’t even have a sponge bath. A shower felt great, and returned me to a more normal existence. Under the watchful eyes of my husband, instructed to be sure that I did’t slip, fall and hit my head, I scraped layers of sweat, hospital gels and goop, and dirt from every corner I could reach. Despite many a man’s prurient fantasies, this was not an erotic scene. One more humiliation remained, and was to stay for some time; no blade razors for my skin. I borrowed one of Michael’s old electric shavers and hacked away as best I could. [Read more…]