
How to Make The Law of Attraction Work for YOU

Dream ave and vision stThe Law of Attraction has been written about for thousands of years. However, you have probably seen it most recently in the work of Dr. Joe Vitale, Rhonda Byrne (The Secret), Jerry and Esther Hicks (through their work with the Teachings of Abraham) and numerous others. The Law of Attraction says that you are a living magnet and that you will invariably attract into your life the people and circumstances that are in harmony with your most dominant thoughts.

“The more emotion with which you imbue your words and thought pictures, the more rapidly you will attract ideas, people, and resources into your life to make them a reality. Your mind is like a powerful magnet, and the ingredients of your life are like the iron fillings.” Brian Tracy

One key question, What major, recent life-events have you experienced and what thoughts do you think generated them? If you can’t think of any, give yourself time. You will.

Changing the person you are results in changing your life. How do you change the person you are? By changing your thoughts!

Tired of Working Hard? Busyness vs Productivity!: The key to taking back your business and your life

Stressed woman with telephones


Many of us, entrepreneur and hired hand alike, add up the excessive hours we work and display them as a quasi-badge of honor. True, employers often demand more than the eight hour day from their employees. Moreover, if you own your own business, you know that there is always something more you can do, more time you can spend.

Yet, do hours worked equate to accomplishment?

I dug a little bit into recent statistics on productivity, both in the United States, and in various European countries. I found the numbers thought-provoking (okay, I am a bit of a geek).

What I found was that even though Americans work far longer hours than those in most other countries (like 400 hours more per year) the economic impact they have is far less than our European counterparts.

What does this mean?

It means that more hours does not necessarily translate into more money or more production.  If you have the right tools and mindset, you can produce much more in less time – which leaves more time for FUN!


Countries of the World

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Why Small Business Owners Don’t Quit When They Should

Golden Fish And ScreenYour parents drummed into your head never to do this.

You walked off your job as a paperboy at age 12, and feel guilty to this day.

Your high school athletic coach yelled at you.

You stayed with a girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other/spouse longer than you should have before exiting a toxic relationship.

Not quitting seems to be bred into us. But is quitting ever a good thing? Is it ever a good idea?

Overcoming the mostly worthwhile habit of perseverance instilled in us from childhood, as an entrepreneur, and oftentimes in life in general, quitting can be beneficial. Here are seven questions to ask when deciding to quit:

The first, and our threshold inquiry, is to ask why you are taking a particular action, doing a particular task, or engaging in a particular series of tasks. And our initial question is the proverbial onion. Keep peeling away at layers or, keep asking why. Don’t settle for your first response. Pretend you are again three years old. When your parents told you you couldn’t do something, you kept asking why to each response they gave you until finally, exasperated, they simply replied “because I said so!” Dig deep until you can’t probe any further.

A second question, and like all the others, one that springs from the first, is when you determine the “why”, is your rationale rooted in fear or guilt? If so, these are often not valid motives to continue along a path, and can be crippling to your business and to your person.

Does an action benefit or help someone else, or solve a problem for them? This third query is especially pertinent to an entrepreneurial journey. Thought leaders inform us that our best path to sustainable success is to focus first on those we serve, those for whom we solve problems. Revenues, and ultimately profits, will follow.

Fourth, is this a chore that either you do poorly or loathingly? If so, should you give it to someone else to do, either by delegating or outsourcing?

What is the value of the undertaking versus the time spent? In the business world, are you doing something that’s paying you $1.93 per hour? If so, can you eliminate this activity, or at least assign it to another?

Our sixth search is to look at alternatives to the particular activity that’s being examined. Is there something else you could be doing instead, a more valuable way to use your time? Is this project mission critical?

Finally, are you doing something for clients who are not a good fit for you? In other words, is this a product or service you should consider not offering? Or, is it being offered to clients for whom you can’t efficiently deliver it? Sometimes the right decision an entrepreneur can make is to turn down business, particularly where the output or customer simply isn’t one that you can best handle.

You made it to the end of this article 🙂 . . . You should recognize that sometimes quitting is the right move. Don’t complete something simply because it’s routine or always done.

Where is your Giant?

Our guest blogger this week is Sue Ellen Haning.  She is the author of Two Nuts in Italy and How to be a Successful Nut.  Sue Ellen Haning is a 43- year teaching veteran whose passion is helping anyone of any age to overcome their problems in reading and spelling. Her trip to Italy helped her understand the importance of living outside her comfort zone.

You can find the following blog post at

mountain climbing“There is a giant asleep within every man.
When the giant awakes, miracles happen.”

—Frederick Schiller Faust: American author who wrote Westerns under the pen name Max Brand

A giant? Really? Who knew? If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like being called a ‘nut’ just tell someone that you are working with your giant right now and see what happens. It could be fun!

No really, if you are serious about getting outside your comfort zone and not just reading these blogs for entertainment, and if you wish to connect with someone who can help, listen up. It’s imperative you find and connect with your giant. No matter your height, weight, or age, a giant resides within you. This giant can do all the things you think you can’t do. I know, it’s a bit scary but as the above quote says, and as many have experienced…miracles happen.

In Jack Canfield’s online class, Bestseller Blueprint, he says those who are successful are willing to do something everyday that makes them uncomfortable. Canfield suggests 5 ‘uncomfortable’ things every day. Wow! That’s a lot of comfort zone stretching, but the Big 5 don’t have to be leaping tall buildings in a single bound. It can be as small as writing your goals, affirmations, desires, sharing your goals with someone, or making a phone call for information or help, and talking with your giant, etc.

The following is an excerpt from Chapter 18 of How To Be A Successful Nut…Your Life Depends On It!

“Have you ever been gliding along through life and all of a sudden nothing looks familiar? Have you spent years doing the same things like slaving over your own business, or climbing the corporate ladder, or giving all your energy and time to raising your children, or even sitting around enjoying just what you have, when suddenly you realize none of it feels right anymore? How does this happen? Seemingly all of a sudden you realize this is not what you want for the rest of your life, and at the same time you are thinking, “What the heck happened here? Everything seemed to be moving along okay.” When this happens it is the giant within you, and he/she is churning. A lot happens when a giant moves. Your giant, let’s call him Edgar or her Ethel, has been residing in a place that you probably pay little attention to. Edgar and Ethel, for the moment, are gently helping you realize your desire to make some adjustments outweighs your desire to stay in your…rut. Edgar and Ethel don’t miss a thing. These two know when anything stirs you. Maybe you were inspired by something you read, experienced, watched on TV. Maybe you have survived something horrific and are now realizing a valuable lesson from it years later. Or like me, one day while teaching second graders in an inner city school, I realized that I hit the jackpot…I won life’s lottery because I had two (not one but two) parents who loved me dearly, provided for me, supported and nurtured me, educated me, set the example for me, were my personal advocates, and gave their all in raising me and helping me reach adulthood. On this day, when I realized I had won life’s lottery, I also realized my jackpot is the exception rather than the rule. Next came the question, “Now what am I going to do with my win?” I reached deep inside, and there stood Ethel ready to help.”

Oh, everything has not been perfect in my life not even as a child with loving, supportive parents, but somewhere along the way I learned I could be a victim of my circumstances or not. I’ll admit that even though I knew this on some level, it took me a long time to put it into play.

I subscribe to daily inspirations from Touched By A Horse, and I’d like to share one with you that is particularly meaningful to me.

“In a moment, one decision can bring you heartache for life. I am here to share with you that all mistakes have a purpose larger than what you know. Even your worst days are your best, looking back for all you become because of them.”

It is true that trials, disasters, poor decisions, and griefs can strengthen and enrich us. With each trial, someone is chiseling away at the fiber of our being, sculpting us. I suggest blessing every person in your life that has hurt you, left you, betrayed you because without them you would not be the magnificent person you are. And, yes, your creator sees you as magnificent. You are so very special to not only those around you, but to the world.

Loss is heavy. It’s a smothering feeling. It chokes us, and some lose themselves in their grief, and sometimes we sacrifice others in our lives because of our grief. We can bemoan our losses or they can be seeds from which we grow.

Do you spend more time protecting your already held beliefs than you do looking for the truth?

This is where your giant comes in handy. Giants are huge, powerful, knowing, and very supportive, and they can help you find the truth, your truth. They have a way of crushing fear and doubt. They have your back and want to help you do anything, but they do not act alone. They want to walk hand in hand, or sometimes when you have a mountain to climb, they will get behind you and support you all the way to the top.

Once you realize you have something to offer but have no idea when, where, or how to share this with the world, if you allow, your giant will come to your aide, and Katie bar the door! When your giant starts moving, things get done, sometimes so fast it takes your breath away!

You may say, “I’d love to make a change in some area of my life, but I’m tired just thinking about it. There’s so much to do and I don’t know where to start.” Action is the key. It doesn’t matter what action, just action. Guess how much action you can take with a giant helping you? Heaps, especially when headed uphill. As long as you stay connected to what it is you want, so will your giant.

All it takes is one foot in front of the other. And it doesn’t matter what the goal is. It could be something seemingly as simple as getting out of bed or becoming a billionaire and the bazillion things in between. Let your giant help you. It is your decision.

“Your decisions, not your circumstances, create your destiny.” Tony Robbins, American author, speaker, entrepreneur.

I hope you experience your giant this week. If you can’t do anything else, go within and see what you find!

Sue Ellen

Are you a renaissance man/woman?

Much is written on finding one’s passion in life. Many of us search, sometimes for years, and sadly, sometimes in vain, for the purpose, the activity, the career, or the business, the really gets our juices flowing. But what if you find that there is not one passion to your life, but many? [Read more…]

Get in the Zone

Top athletes recognize the value of sleep, exercise, diet, meditation and other calming practices and mind-body fitness for peak performance. “Getting in the zone” is proven by a number of studies. [Read more…]

The Family Business

Today’s post appears courtesy of Debbie Pott. Learn more about her at

If you find yourself working in the family business or the career that was held by previous family members, you have to ask yourself 2 questions.

Why did you choose to follow in your parent’s footsteps?

Are you enjoying what you are doing? [Read more…]

5 Tools of Engagement Discernment

One of the keys to success for any business is attracting and retaining the right mix of clients or customers. Conversely, one of the keys for the consumer or business that wishes to transact business is to ensure that the right firm is engaged to provide the product or service desired. In simple terms, the “fit” must fit. [Read more…]

Seven Questions to Ask Before Quitting

Your parents drummed into your head never to do this.

You walked off your job as a paperboy at age 12, and feel guilty to this day.

Your high school athletic coach yelled at you.

You stayed with a girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other/spouse longer than you should have before exiting a toxic relationship.

Blue metal compass


Not quitting seems to be bred into us. But is quitting ever a good thing? Is it ever a good idea? [Read more…]

Simply a few laughs . . .

I received this as an e-mail the other day. I’m not sure if this is actually from the old Hollywood Squares TV show, or not, but in any event, I hope this brings a few smiles to you today! [Read more…]