“Money isn’t the most important thing in life, but it is reasonably close on the ‘gotta have it’ scale.” Zig Ziglar

Let’s cut to the chase here . . .
If I work with you as a private client, I already know that there are three big issues that you’re facing:
- First, you’re confused. You’ve read the books, watched the videos, and taken the courses from many thought leaders. These gurus tell you that you need to act rich before you’ve achieved success. You’re told that if you want to become wealthy you have to imagine yourself as already having achieved that. You’re told that if you want to live an abundant lifestyle you need to do so right now, not someday when you feel you’ve reached that pinnacle. Yet, confusion arises when you learn that most millionaires live modest lifestyles, well below their means, not flashing expensive jewelry or driving fancy cars. How do you reconcile these two, seemingly conflicting viewpoints between the teachers and actual reality?
- Second, you learn that if you’re passionate about something and you follow your passion, that success will come. Yet there are many passionate people for whom this attitude doesn’t pay off. Why are there starving artists, broke musicians, failed small businesses? More important, why hasn’t your passion paid off?
- Third, if you’re like most of us, while you are busy seeking greater success, you fail to protect the foundation you have. You don’t realize that unless you protect yourself and your current assets, you could wind up making one or more mistakes that cost you dearly, both in your pocket book and your peace of mind. Why not guard guard home front?
If this is you and you are sick and tired of feeling this way, why not do something different for a change? My team and I accept a limited number of private coaching clients. Tell me why you want to change and maybe we can work together to make it happen: click here to start!