Tip of the day for the entrepreneur

So often we entrepreneurs spend 80% of our time servicing the clients that earn us 20% of our revenue. Set aside some time to take a hard look at your “chart of accounts.” See which clIents you have that take much more of your time then the dollars in justified. Then, ask yourself the following questions: (1) why do I spend so much time on these clients; (2) is the time spent justified for reasons other than revenue; and (3) what would my business look like if I stopped servicing one or more of the time-sucking clients. You may be surprised at what a little pruning might do for your business, your work-life balance, and surprisingly, your bottom line.

How fella got his groove back. . .

Everyone from mainstream scientists to sports psychologists to metaphysicians recognize the power of positive thinking. But sometimes that’s not an easy thing to do. How do you get your groove back as your trundling through your own dark night of the soul? [Read more…]

How to be balanced between routine and novelty.

What is the correct balance in one’s life between routine activities, and those which are new and exciting to us? [Read more…]

How to negate a negative mood

Woke up this morning feeling like a nattering nabob of negativity? Here are 10 ideas to turn that frown upside down:

  • Take significant action on one of your top goals.  Just start!
  • Write down 10 things or more for which you are grateful.
  • Get moving!  Exercise is a great mood-lifter!
  • Listen to some awesome tunes!  Bring some beautiful music into your life.
  • Go to the library and take out one of the following DVDs and watch it: Arthur, Animal House, Tommy Boy, or Office Space.
  • Make love to your significant other.
  • Pet your dog/cat.
  • Meditate
  • Take a long relaxing bath with a rubber ducky.
  • Telephone a positive friend with whom you haven’t spoken in a while.

Overall, if you find yourself slipping into a negative mindset frequently, you may want to incorporate the following tips.  Being a negative nabob does not work well for anyone, especially an entrepreneur:

  • Do not entertain negative thoughts, negative people, or negativity in general!  Be as careful whom and what you allow into your mind as your are with whom and what you allow into your home.
  • If you won’t say it to others; don’t think it yourself.


Great expectations and grateful results

Albert Einstein said, “there are two ways to live your life. One is though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

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Is a shutdown a good idea?

As I write this, the federal government is shut down. Whether you think that this is a good or bad idea, what if you took this concept and applied it in your personal life?

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Find out how long you will live. . .

Ask anyone how long they think they will live. In most cases, you will get an answer. And the answer will generally be a very specific number. Sometimes this is based on a desire, or a family history, but somehow, imprinted in all of our brains, is a mortality timeframe.

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What the *#@%#*# is the Audrey principle?

Here is an interesting idea, courtesy (and used with permission of) one of my clients:

How often have you found yourself using negative, even cursing adjectives when describing an object?

  • Where are my #@%@# glasses?
  • Give me the @%##*# remote for the TV!
  • The %#@%# newspaper got all wet sitting in the rain in the driveway!

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Excuse Me, But Do You Have The Time?

Are we there yet? For those of you who are parents, and for the rest of us who remember being a kid, wasn’t this a common question on any car ride? Now, as then, we are all eager to get to where we are going. In life and in business, we are all interested in achieving our goals.

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Annabolic Times-July, 2012 Make Sure the Only Dimples You Have are on Your Face

Okay, I knew I’d get your attention with the headline. But seriously, how much better would your life be if you added exercise to your daily equation?

If you said a great deal, you are correct! Exercise benefits your body, mind, and spirit! It’s not just about shrinking your booty to a smaller size, it’s about improving your health, re-connecting with your spirit and expanding your brain function!

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