Annabolic Times-December, 2012 It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year


As December continues, our communities, workplaces, and perhaps even our families buzz with energy. Radio stations switch to all-holiday music formats. The Muppets sing Christmas carols on TV. Bell ringers appear outside grocery stores and in the malls.

  • How does all this activity make you feel?
  • Excited as a child?
  • Offended, as your particular religious belief (or lack thereof) does not celebrate certain holidays?
  • On a high through December 25, falling into almost a depressed state thereafter?
  • Exhausted from running around because of it?
  • Broke, tapped out, and resentful?
  • Radiant over that time of year which is significant for you?
  • Much may be asked of you in December. How can you avoid “the high is too high” or “the low is too low” feeling?
  • How can you remain true to your authentic self?

Consider equanimity. Equanimity is a state of even-mind, stability and composure. Equanimity is extolled as a virtue by nearly all major religious traditions in the world, from Christianity to Judaism to Hinduism, and by many philosophical approaches as well, such as stoicism or Buddhism.

Equanimity is not cool aloofness. Rather, it is acting with a warmth of being that bears no hostility nor ill will.

Make it a 15 minute project this December to plug this term into your favorite search engine. Find some inspirational thoughts on this virtue from a favorite soothsayer or two.

If you view December and its trappings/festivities with equanimity, maybe you will:

  • Smile at a mall worker who wishes you “Merry Christmas” even if you are Jewish.
  • Turn on a football game instead of the holiday special, without any feeling of guilt.
  • Buy price-appropriate gifts instead of feeling compelled to keep up with the Joneses.
  • Listen to jazz instead of light-FM Christmas music.
  • Or join a neighborhood group singing Christmas Carols door-to-door even though your singing voice sucks.

And maybe then you will be true to your authentic self and you will free others to do the same.

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