Annabolic Times-May, 2012 Memorial Day

This weekend we honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in military service to our great country. Please take some time this weekend to do so.

While not in any way diminishing the efforts of our servicemen and women, I ask you to also spend some time this weekend thinking of three deceased individuals in your life, be they family or friends, for whom you have great admiration.

Answer the following questions:
  • Which traits did you admire in each of these individuals?
  • What would your life look like if you were able to emulate one or more of those traits?
  • How would you go about doing so?
As I engage in this exercise, at the top of my list of three is my father.   Dad passed away in 2005.   He served in the Air Force and he was someone that was often described as being larger than life.  His courage, strong work ethic, intelligence, and wit were among the many admirable traits that he personified. I try to emulate those traits each and every day.
Okay, enough about me!  It’s time for you to get crackalakin’!

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