How to exact revenge

Revenge. It’s not only a TV show. Haven’t we all thought of “getting even” with someone at some point in our lives?

What is revenge about anyway? One of the core principles of revenge is that you are living in the past. You are contemplating something someone did to you or said about you that has already occurred.

If you truly have difficulty dealing with past issues, certainly you can consult a counselor or therapist. These folks are the experts in helping you work through issues that are holding you back from prior days. Yup — these experts might be pricey. But if you’re having a tough time dealing with the past, they are a much better bargain than the cost of revenge.

Most of us, however, are not mired in the past, but are interested in moving forward. We want to set goals and achieve them, and live a better, more satisfying life. That is the essence of what I do in coaching —  to guide you in looking forward, not backwards.

So how can you best display your vengeance over past harms? I find that living well is best revenge.  Set your sights on tomorrow and leave what has happened behind.

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