Is your business too small for website?

Is a website essential for any sized business?  Here are seven things to consider:


Credibility — a well-designed website puts your credentials on display, allowing a prospect to evaluate your business and encouraging him to look further before moving on with his search.

Expectations — Consumers expect every business to have a website. If you don’t, people wonder why, and that’s never a good thing for any business.

Competition — a well designed website can woo customers from your competitors.

Cost-effective — other types of media are costly to create, implement and maintain.

Flexible — a website can be easily changed with little or no cost, as opposed to traditional advertising methods.

Repeat business — it’s easier for existing customers to find you and your information. And they are your bread and butter. It is much easier to service existing customers than to find new ones.

Create new customers — the web is the number one source used by businesses and consumers to locate products and services, whether for appliance repair or a physical therapist.

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