Name it and Tame it!―Gremlins

Your gremlin is your inner critic. It is the most powerful limiting belief. It is that annoying little voice that tries to convince you to play small. Perhaps it is your mother’s voice or the voice of your 9th grade Algebra teacher. Regardless, the bottom-line message from your gremlin is that you are not good enough. Your gremlin might say things like play it safe, don’t try, and that it is safer to stay where you are. It can stop you in your tracks when you are on the edge of success. Your gremlin served a positive purpose at one time; perhaps it did keep you safe. Perhaps streaking across the grocery store parking lot wasn’t such a great idea. Now, however, if it is stopping you from taking the required steps to reach your goals, it is no longer needed. It’s time to send it on its way much like a houseguest who has overstayed his welcome.

How do you tame your inner voice? First of all, name it! What would you like to call your gremlin? I’ve had clients call it everything from Harold to some not-so-nice names that I prefer not to reveal here. When you hear this inner voice, address it by saying that while you appreciate the advice, you are going to do things your way. You appreciate that it is there to keep you safe, but you are not going to listen anyway. Thank it and send it on its way.

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