New Year’s resolutions stink!

It’s that time of year again. Okay, so the Christmas commercials on TV and radio started many weeks ago. But most of us are now thinking of the holidays. One of the things many of us like to do is to make New Year’s resolutions. We have great intentions of changing bad habits, creating new, good habits, and achieving great goals.

What happens to most of these resolutions? Before the end of January, most are forgotten, pushed off to the side, or delayed until some “better time.”

The problem with these resolutions is that they are simply intentions. While we all know of the power of intention, thanks to books and articles and TV specials, what many of us miss is that there is an important second step.

Intention, without action, equals nothing.

To put it in a more positive way, you need to have an action plan coupled with your intentions or your resolutions, for you to have hopes of achieving them.

This year, as you think of the resolutions that you inevitably wish to make going into 2014, consider sitting down and having a planning session. An action plan will turn those resolutions or intentions into achievable goals. Action is the missing link. And when you add that link, then your resolutions won’t stink!

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