Seven Levels of Energy and the Self-Directed Trader

By Ann M. Babiarz © 2017 & 2020 all rights reserved

Your level of success in life can be raised with awareness, understanding, and knowledge of how to apply the various energy levels available to you for any purpose you choose. Your level of energy (consciousness) creates your world in each moment. By altering your perceptions of yourself, your work, and those around you, you can create a more powerful, fulfilling, and rewarding life.   This same theory can lend itself to greater understanding and success in trading and investing.

Your average resonating level of energy or A.R.L. is analogous to a stock in the market.  Stocks fluctuate during the trading day and close at prices that reflects the day’s activity.  The more people that buy or sell a particular stock, the higher or lower it closes.  Looking at the day’s trading as a whole, we can see the average price at which the stock traded.

As human beings, we’re like stocks with our energy level going up and down all day long.  Thoughts and feelings such as non-judgment and joy raise the price of your “stock.”  Their counterparts, like victimization and anger, can easily lower stock value. 

At any given moment, you’re somewhere within these levels.  Your current state of consciousness is composed of your existing energetic makeup. which encompasses every thought, feeling or emotion you have had today as well as your recent actions.  It also includes every thought, feeling, and emotion you have ever experienced and every action you have taken in your life.  These experiences are etched in your life like data is etched into a computer chip. 

You are a leader, the leader of your own life.  Your level of success in life can be raised with awareness, understanding, and knowledge of how to apply the various energy levels available to you for any purpose you choose.

The lowest two levels of energy are catabolic and are associated with the stress and discomfort you experience in life. The higher levels of energy are anabolic and are related to power, effectiveness, and satisfaction. 

Energy Level 1

This lowest level of energy is one of the catabolic levels. If you have any energy in this level, you are a victim to (at the effect of) certain events, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and perceptions that hold you back from success. Level 1 energy includes thoughts and feelings of guilt, fear, worry, self-doubt, and low self-esteem (in general, or in any particular aspect of life).

When you operate from a Level 1 perspective, you feel as though you have a lack of choice or options. At Level 1, individuals feel trapped by certain circumstances or believe that they are, in some way, at the mercy of what happens around them. Level 1 energy can result in avoidance of situations or difficult issues and also, trouble making decisions because you feel helpless to make a difference. Emotionally, Level 1 energy feels bad, and the amount of desire, engagement, and action for life (or a specific aspect of it), is accordingly very low.  The prevailing frame of reference at Level 1 is “I lose” or “I am losing.”

For example, in investing, Level 1 energy can show up as fear (over the outcome of a trade or the direction of the markets).   Level 1 is  “victim” energy, so you will likely blame something or someone (including yourself) for a bad result. Level 1 thoughts might show up as blaming the market for your lack of success in investing or the thought that all you do is lose money in the markets.

We all experience Level 1 energy at times and in some aspects of our lives and so, it is normal. Normal, however, does not mean required. You can remove what is no longer working for you or desired by you and replace it with more of what you really want.


You don’t have to participate in things and little effort is required.


You are not engaged in certain activities or in your life.  You have a lack of ability to lead yourself or others to action.

Energy Level 2

Level 2 energy is also catabolic. It is the predominant energy not only in the workplace, but in life in general. Level 2 energy is characterized by conflict, with the core emotion being anger. This energy contains thoughts of antagonism, struggle, resistance, frustration, and defiance.

From an investing perspective, Level 2 energy can show up as greed.  For example, someone consistently resonating at Level 2 may be okay with investing in a company like Phillip Morris for the profit, even though believe that cigarette smoking is carcinogenic.  Or it can show up as someone wanting to get even with the market or a specific company because of a bad trade.  “I am going to beat the market at its own game.”

From a Level 2 view, everything tends to be black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. These judgments result in limited options, as the full scope of available possibilities is not apparent to the person operating with Level 2 energy. At Level 2, people typically come from a win/lose frame of reference — “I win, so therefore, you must lose.” In certain aspects of life, this may actually be the case; however, there are usually more powerful and much healthier ways to achieve winning results.

Many leaders have Level 2 energy, but they are usually unhappy and often unhealthy. They often manage by force, control, or coercion. They can get caught up in focusing on “what’s wrong,” “what’s broken,” and, potentially, “who [or what] is to blame.” While initial results may look successful, this way of leading others and organizations will ultimately fail, as the effort expended to live and act with constant catabolic energy will drain them and those around them.


People with a lot of Level 2 energy get a great deal done by themselves and often motivate others by aggression, fear and force. 


People with this energy often motivate others from and with fear or anger.

Energy Level 3

This level is the first level of anabolic energy. At this level, people take responsibility for their thoughts, emotions, and actions, and know that what they think and feel is up to them, not others.

The focus of Level 3 energy is on winning, through achieving your goals and meeting your own agenda, first and foremost. The difference between this and winning at Level 2 is that the intention of those operating from a Level 3 perspective is to have the other person win as well, but only after securing the win for themselves. In other words, the intention of Level 3 is “I win, and hopefully you win, too,” but either way, “I win” is the primary goal.

People who have a lot of Level 3 energy are masters at rationalization. They will motivate themselves and others by finding ways to cope, release, forgive, tolerate, compromise, and explain away resentment, stress, disappointments, and other burdens in order to encourage cooperation and productivity.

“I am going to beat the market and it’s okay if others do the same.”


Level 3 people don’t allow others to stand in the way of what they want.  They are also able to avoid, release or block the negativity of others and engage them with promises and hopes. 


People at Level 3 can be manipulative, self-serving and promises are not given from the heart. They are generally not concerned if things don’t work out because they “did their best.” 

Energy Level 4

This energy is moderately anabolic and its core thought is concern for others. It is the level of caring, giving, supporting, and helping. Level 4 energy looks and feels very selfless, because the focus of these actions is to work and achieve so others win and succeed.

At Level 4, people take little or nothing personally, as they are more able to see things objectively. People with Level 4 energy feel that a true win for them is achieved when the other person wins first, and so, the Level 4 perspective is “You win,” as being of service to others supersedes the need to do for themselves.

Leaders with Level 4 energy have a great deal of compassion for others and are inspired, and inspire those around them, to serve others. They often foster collaboration, teamwork, and loyalty. This is a very high level of energy, which can lead to great success.

“I specifically look for investments in companies that do what I view as socially responsible, or beneficial things, even though it may not necessarily make me a huge amount of money.  I view investing as an opportunity to help others.”


Level 4 people take little seriously.  They truly care for others and help them function as best they can. 


People at Level 4 can be get caught up in drama, be too sympathetic and motivation can be more about being liked than about results.

Energy Level 5

This moderate-to-high anabolic energy is found in the greatest leaders in all walks of life. Leaders with Level 5 energy have a highly conscious, wide-ranging view of situations and, thus, have many choices available to them as they “play the game of life.”

Level 5 energy reconciles good and bad, and right and wrong — so that nothing is judged one way or the other. People with Level 5 energy begin to see everything as an opportunity — meaning they do not simply make “lemonade out of lemons,” but they are genuinely as excited by the things that do not go as planned as by the things that do. The core thought is on reconciling, or accepting, differences, rather than identifying and focusing upon trying to change them.

The intention associated with this energy is predominantly, “We all win or no one wins.” A lot of people give lip service to this concept, but few actually walk the talk with it. Leaders with Level 5 energy are calm, powerful, entrepreneurial-minded, confident, and feel a sense of inner peace and fulfillment. They are in control of their lives and live with the belief that they can and do choose their life experience.

“There is always a bull market somewhere.”  Jim Cramer


Level 5 people tend to find opportunities in all challenges.  They take little to nothing personally.


People at Level 5 often suffer from analysis paralysis.  

Energy Level 6

This high-to-very high anabolic energy is associated with the core thought of synthesis, which is the blending away of the illusion of individuality and instead, the ability to see the whole, in lieu of just its parts. People with Level 6 energy see everyone and everything as a part of themselves.

Level 6 is a place where intuition comes alive. Creative geniuses, visionaries, and brilliant and conscious leaders, in all walks of life, tap into this level of energy and use it to create new and exciting innovations and variations for everyone’s benefit.

At Level 6, there is a sense of connection with everyone and everything. This leads to a “We always win” perspective. This means that, in reality, no one really ever loses. All that happens has purpose and value, and by taking a long instead of short view of life and its circumstances, a purpose can be found in everything that happens. Level 6 energy brings a permanent sense of pleasure, satisfaction, and joy.

“I can spot opportunities to profit effortlessly.”


Level 6 people generally have the ability to connect and feel without judgment.


People at Level 6 may not be grounded.  They can be out of touch with others and be high-risk takers. 

Energy Level 7

This is the highest level of anabolic energy, which is characterized by creation of completely objective thinking, non-judgment, and fearlessness. The master of this level can tap into, and use, any of the lower levels at will. With Level 7 energy, leaders are capable of viewing their world and their organizations with complete objectivity. At this level, it is understood that “Winning and losing are illusions;” they are terms that humans created to help us play the game of life by the rules we also created. No human resonates completely at this level, but with practice, everyone can learn to access it.

People who tap into this level of energy are the most powerful people in the world. They consciously co-create their life experience and are participants and observers at the same time.

“I have a passion for investing and I know my investing plan will bring me success.”

The Dynamics of Energy Interplay

Nobody has all of their energy in one area.  Each person will likely have some energy in most or all levels.  Each level of energy affects the others and all the levels affect the A.R.L.

No one’s energy is consistent in all areas of life.  For example, someone may be in Level 4 in his or her home relationship and Level 2 in his or her relationships at work.  He or she may also be at Level 5 in one aspect of work and Level 2 in another. 

Note: Know that each energy level has distinct advantages and disadvantages for you.  While this on the surface seems simple, it gets more complex with respect to the interplay between energy levels. 

If you would like to take an Energy Leadership Assessment to find what your A.R.L. is, please email me at or call 239-331-4706.

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