What is consciousness?

I read a newly published book about Neanderthals. It’s quite interesting that the most common misconception about these early hominids is that they are a predecessor species to us. In fact, anthropologists now believe that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens existed side-by-side, cousins on the early family tree.

Moreover, while our ancestors primarily originated in Africa, it’s uncertain whether Neanderthals did as well. This species of “naked apes” flourished in Europe. Neanderthals mastered fire, created tools, organized themselves into groups, buried their dead, painted, and used language. Neanderthals were bigger and stronger than our ancestors, and had larger brains. Yet this species died off, while Homo sapiens evolved into the crazy quilt of humanity we find about us today. Why one survived and the other did not remains a mystery. Perhaps ancient aliens did intervene in early humanity. Perhaps God or another form of divinity did so.

Another fascinating question, probably one without answer at this time, is when and how consciousness arises and how sophisticated it is in species other than humans. Consciousness is the technology that allows us to learn from the past, plan for the future, solve abstract problems, understand self-awareness, and perhaps is connected to the soul, the spirit, or some form of non–physical existence to which religions and metaphysics both speak.

We know that babies gain self-awareness as they develop. They begin to understand their separateness from the world around them, and learn to process information in a different way. Scientists tell us that elephants appear to have some form of self-awareness, as they will recognize a reflection of themselves in the mirror. Similar research leads to mixed results with our domesticated animals such as dogs and cats. Many of us like to talk to our animal companions (me included!), but their level of understanding is still uncertain. What species are truly conscious?

The mystery deepens as quantum physicists find that the tiniest divisions of our universe respond to the observations and thoughts of humans, as we observe these particles. This was deeply troubling to perhaps the greatest mind of the 20th century — Albert Einstein — and it remains fascinating to even the casual lay observer such as myself.

Then, we have stories of persons who receive transplanted organs, who find themselves with food cravings, memories, and habits that seem to originate from the consciousness of the organ donor. Are these stories true or simply the result of human tendencies to fantasize? Does consciousness reside only in our brains, or is it somehow distributed throughout our bodies on some other level? Or is consciousness derived from the spirit or soul?

The question of consciousness impacts us as we try to make sense of our relationship to other living creatures in our world. Some religions believe we are destined to have dominion over those flora and fauna with whom we share our planet. Other traditions view even the tiniest organism as perhaps a sentient being.

So what do you believe consciousness to be? A coach is trained to help any individual with whom he or she works to look to and understand core beliefs and values. These foundational elements guide us in our daily activities; incongruence between our actions and beliefs lead to cognitive dissonance, and ultimately dissatisfaction with life. An understanding of consciousness and how it impacts your daily life and your interactions with others and with your world is one of those foundational beliefs that must necessarily inform your existence.

What is consciousness?

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