Win or lose with your opening

With content marketing, you often win or lose with the first information that a prospective contact sees about you. For example, if your landing page is boring, simply praises or pushes products or services like advertising, then you are done before you start. If your Twitter bio merely identifies you and your product, that’s a kiss of death. If you have a Facebook page and it’s a repeat of your boring landing page, with a cover photo of your logo added, then don’t bother. In fact, if you are on every single social media platform, but have the same barren profile, you’re in Internet ghost — users catch glimpses of you but there’s really nothing there. To engage visitors, you need to be interesting. Don’t do a boring company run down; instead, try a fascinating story, a contest, ask questions, or a real blog with content that is more than business announcements. Try video instead. Understand that you have a very limited length of time to engage an audience.

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