Your business persona

We all create façades. We may interact with our parents one way, our friends another way, and our colleagues in the workplace a third way. A well-adjusted person is able to adapt his or her modes of interaction, based upon with whom he or she is interacting, without uprooting foundational beliefs or core principles.


The phenomena of Facebook is a good example. Some believe that Facebook is an invasion of privacy, in that the creator of a Facebook page is allowing either certain groups, or the entire world, to learn certain information about him/her. But another way of looking at Facebook is that a person may also create an image that they wish the world to see. In fact, some of these images may be so far from the truth that they may be disingenuous! Similar to some profiles on dating sites, what we are seeing may be less an invasion of privacy and more hyperbole.

In the world of entrepreneurship, we see many examples where the successful business owner may adapt or create a “business personality” suitable for success in his realm.

Consider what business persona you might adopt that would lead you to greater success.

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