
Happiest of Mother’s Days

Fourteen Ways to Stay Off the Streets

© 2020 by Ann Babiarz & Associates LLC

As I write this piece, the United States still in the midst of the Covid-19 lockdown. Trying to use the time we now have on our hands in a way that keeps us healthy can be a challenge. Here are fourteen life hacks you can try.

Routine can be your friend. Too often, when we are left with unstructured time, we become overwhelmed by the number of choices we might make. Taking away some of those choices by maintaining a regular routine each day keeps you more satisfied with your day-to-day life.

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How to do the Hustle

How to do the Hustle .  .  .

(c) 2020 by Ann M. Babiarz

Want to make some extra cash?

The $1200 stimulus might pay a few of your bills, but for most of us, we will still be sorely short of cash if we are temporarily furloughed from our day job or our small business is closed or suffering.  

While you are waiting for the call to return to work, or for clients or customers to return, why not do one or more side hustles to bring in some money NOW?

What is a side hustle?  It is typically thought of as a way to earn some extra dollars without interrupting your current job or your responsibilities as a parent, caregiver, or student. But in today’s situation, a side hustle can be an excellent way to keep your household or even your small business going until times get better. Listen to some ideas for side hustles below.

Parts 1 -4 of this program that aired on Monday, April 13, 2020 on the radio show Life After the Box may now be enjoyed as a podcast.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

The Bucket List

(c) 2020 by Ann M. Babiarz

A popular exercise, perhaps made so by the 2007 movie of the same name, is to create a “bucket list” as one plans for or has already arrived at his or her retirement day. The concept is a simple one. Throughout our working lives we often dream of things we want to accomplish before our time is up in this realm. Freed from the daily 9-5 routine of work, some choose to list those tasks/activities/proposed accomplishments on a list and then set out to check off as many of those items from the list as is possible before you check out completely.

One of the problems with the bucket list is that many of us underwhelm with the items we set forth. I have seen various articles and heard from numerous commentators that the average retiree completes his or her bucket list in a relatively short period of time. Then what? If the bucket list represents the final chapter in one’s life, does accomplishing it mean your brain should tell your body it’s time to call it quits?

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Your Work Self

© 2020 Michael A. Babiarz

One of the challenges in any transition is the effect it has on our self-identity. Particularly when we are moving from job to job or into or out of the workforce, we struggle with feelings of doubt, anxiety and sometimes even depression. The root cause of much of this cognitive dissonance is due to our tendency to identify ourselves with what we perceive is our primary task at any given time.

The reason this is so acute when the change involves employment is our focus upon ourselves as human “doings” rather than our true self as human beings and the importance earnings have on that concept. Two of the times in our life’s journey where this is felt most profoundly is when we transition from our days as a student to our days in the workforce, and conversely, when we shift from employment into retirement. Ironically, although one most often seems like a beginning and the other like an end, both are stressful times for many.

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Seven Levels of Energy and the Self-Directed Trader

By Ann M. Babiarz © 2017 & 2020 all rights reserved

Your level of success in life can be raised with awareness, understanding, and knowledge of how to apply the various energy levels available to you for any purpose you choose. Your level of energy (consciousness) creates your world in each moment. By altering your perceptions of yourself, your work, and those around you, you can create a more powerful, fulfilling, and rewarding life.   This same theory can lend itself to greater understanding and success in trading and investing.

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Understanding Social Media Mindset

© 2020 by Michael A. Babiarz

Do you wake up in the middle of the night when your phone, conveniently tucked on your nightstand, pings to alert you to a new social media post? Do you spend your breaks and your lunch hour on Facebook? Or do you spend hours you should be working surfing YouTube instead?

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Life After the Box 3-2-2020: The Facebook Mentality

Listen to Life After the Box — the podcast, a truncated version of the radio show by clicking play below:

Protecting Yourself from Medical Decision-Making Mayhem

© 2020 by Michael A. Babiarz

What is the most popular estate plan in America? Answer: nothing! The most recent statistic that I came across from several sources and which is basically unchanged over the thirty plus years I spent in private practice as an attorney and thereafter, is that seventy percent of all Americans do not even have a simple will.

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Happy Valentines Day!