How to be balanced between routine and novelty.

What is the correct balance in one’s life between routine activities, and those which are new and exciting to us? [Read more…]

The Seven Deadly Sins of entrepreneurship — part two

The second of our seven deadly sins of entrepreneurship, adapted from Gandhi’s list of seven spiritually detrimental traits, is “pleasure without conscience.”

What this “sin” speaks to is greed. Greed is also commonly listed as one of the biblically defined seven deadly sins. What we speak of is the accumulation of wealth without regard to how you procure it or for what purpose you intend to use it. The goal is simply the acquisition and nothing more. Think of the character Scrooge from Dickens, or, for those of you with a more well-rounded education, Scrooge McDuck from the comic books. [Read more…]

What did you expect?

Expectations have an enormous impact on your behavior. Expectations are one of the ways in which your brain organizes and makes sense of contemplation of the future. Your thoughts, the little dialogue which continually operates within your “self”, essentially focus on either the past, the present, the future, or some combination of these three.

Expectations generally deal with thoughts of the future. An expectation may help you set goals and lead you on a path to take action to meet those goals. An expectation can help you as an athlete excel.   An expectation can assist you in healing, as in a belief of the power of medication to cure disease or reduce pain, even in cases where the medication is a placebo. Expectations motivate you to achieve results and meet goals. [Read more…]

Are you handcuffed by your business?

Here’s a real problem for many small business owners, particularly those who engage in what are commonly known as the “professions.”  An added expense to maintaining a business is additional expenses to one’s personal lifestyle. This is sometimes known as “the golden handcuffs.”  A professional needs to maintain a certain image to attract business, and then has to chase increasing amounts of dollars to pay for that image. He or she needs the right clothes, the right car, the right house, and to eat, shop and be seen at the right places.  If at some point the professional wants to take a step back and simplify his or her life, the golden handcuffs make it difficult to do so. [Read more…]

The Seven Deadly Sins of entrepreneurship — part one

Mohandas Gandhi created a list of seven traits that he believed to be spiritually detrimental to each and every one of us. Today, and for six articles thereafter, I am going to adapt these seven sins, applying them to the world of the entrepreneur.

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Tranquility now?

A quote to ponder:

“We must learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose.”

Indira Gandhi

Is a shutdown a good idea?

As I write this, the federal government is shut down. Whether you think that this is a good or bad idea, what if you took this concept and applied it in your personal life?

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Did I see a squirrel?

One of the things that attracts many solo entrepreneurs to their business is the fact that the business which they are creating can be run from the comfort of their own home. Putting that spare bedroom or basement space to use as an office or in some cases, even a small shipping, receiving, and assembly area, can be an economical and efficient way to operate a small business.

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Excuse Me, But Do You Have The Time?

Are we there yet? For those of you who are parents, and for the rest of us who remember being a kid, wasn’t this a common question on any car ride? Now, as then, we are all eager to get to where we are going. In life and in business, we are all interested in achieving our goals.

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Annabolic Times-May, 2012 Memorial Day

This weekend we honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in military service to our great country. Please take some time this weekend to do so.

While not in any way diminishing the efforts of our servicemen and women, I ask you to also spend some time this weekend thinking of three deceased individuals in your life, be they family or friends, for whom you have great admiration.

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