Possible tip for the solo or micro entrepreneur to save time in navigating the Affordable Care Act?

If you are are a small entrepreneur, particularly one who has had difficulty obtaining health insurance in the past, the Affordable Care Act will give you the ability to purchase insurance for yourself and your family. [Read more…]

The Seven Deadly Sins of entrepreneurship — Number Five

The fifth of the Seven Deadly Sins is worship without sacrifice. For purposes of adapting this maxim into the world of the entrepreneur, I have substituted the word spirituality for worship. In today’s Western society, while some will claim to have a set of religious beliefs, almost all of us feel we have a spiritual side to our being. [Read more…]

When is the right occasion for meditation?

“Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen and absorb.” Pythagoras (570-495 B.C.E.)

For many of us, the busyness of Christmas and New Year’s Day is broken by a week or so of  slower paced days that exist between these holidays. Is there a way to take these quiet times and go deeper into the silence? Here is an excerpt from the recent book “Your Life, Live it Well: Spirituality” that may point you in one direction: [Read more…]

How to be balanced between routine and novelty.

What is the correct balance in one’s life between routine activities, and those which are new and exciting to us? [Read more…]

New Year’s resolutions stink!

It’s that time of year again. Okay, so the Christmas commercials on TV and radio started many weeks ago. But most of us are now thinking of the holidays. One of the things many of us like to do is to make New Year’s resolutions. We have great intentions of changing bad habits, creating new, good habits, and achieving great goals. [Read more…]

The key to success in everything

There is a singular skill, which if you possess it, is the most definitive predictor of success in any component of a human life. Whether we speak of success in business, success in work, success in relationships, or simply success defined as a satisfied and well-lived life, this one element is the key driver towards achievement in any area.

What is this magical skill, potent elixir, million-dollar idea?

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Is a shutdown a good idea?

As I write this, the federal government is shut down. Whether you think that this is a good or bad idea, what if you took this concept and applied it in your personal life?

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Find out how long you will live. . .

Ask anyone how long they think they will live. In most cases, you will get an answer. And the answer will generally be a very specific number. Sometimes this is based on a desire, or a family history, but somehow, imprinted in all of our brains, is a mortality timeframe.

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Learning to quit?

If you are like most of us, one of the things that was drummed into your head as a child by your parents was to finish what you start. Being a quitter is a bad thing, right?

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Excuse Me, But Do You Have The Time?

Are we there yet? For those of you who are parents, and for the rest of us who remember being a kid, wasn’t this a common question on any car ride? Now, as then, we are all eager to get to where we are going. In life and in business, we are all interested in achieving our goals.

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