Win or lose with your opening

With content marketing, you often win or lose with the first information that a prospective contact sees about you. [Read more…]

Here is a fun brain teaser to test your reasoning skills

George asks Billy how old he is. Billy replies that two days ago he was 22, but next year, he’ll be 25 years old. How can this be? [Read more…]

How fella got his groove back, part two. . .

In addition to the pithy maxim “fake it until you make it,” another bit of advice comes from a slightly more formal source.  An Eastern proverb, somewhat paraphrased, essentially tells us to always cast our hook into the water, even if you are not sure that there is anything there, or even if it’s been there a while and the fish aren’t biting. When you least expect it, you’ll catch a finned friend. What this is speaking to is perseverance. No one prospers without perseverance.

“Nothing you can do that can’t be done” (Lennon/McCartney)

“Paul (McCartney) couldn’t play guitar . . .  [Read more…]

Annabolic Times-May, 2012 Journal Entries are Not Just for Accountants

You must have control of the authorship of your own destiny. The pen that writes your life story must be held in your own hand.” ~Irene C. Kassorla

The Write Path

If you are taking the time to read this newsletter (and I thank you for doing so), it’s a pretty good bet that you are looking to design a new and better life. As you begin the work of creating a fantabulous future, it’s important to remember that you came into this world as a creative being. Whatever you’ve created so far, YOU created it; so bless it and move forward!

[Read more…]