Annabolic Times-August, 2012 #2 Not to Worry

We urge you to worry.

Global warming or that funny looking mole on your shoulder? Terror plots to blow up the next flight you are on, or yet another loss by your favorite baseball team? Trillions of dollars in federal debt or your five grand credit card balance?

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Annabolic Times-August, 2012 Skin Deep/How Much is Enough?

You’re headed out to a night with the girls and you ask if you look okay. The resouding response is, “Yes, that’s exactly how you look.”

What is truly important is how you feel about the way you look. For some, not even makeup is necessary in feeling great about physical appearance. For others, it takes much more to project his/her desired image.

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Annabolic Times-July 2012 #2 The Affordable Self Care Act

A solid self-care foundation is paramount to making any sort of personal progress. How can you put yourself in the top 2%? How do you enjoy your life journey and bring your best to the word? I believe it is by practicing excellent self-care.

Excellent self-care means treating yourself as you would your best friend. It means making choices and decisions that honor your soul in everyday life as well as valuing yourself enough to choose to create your life, rather than be victimized by it.

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Annabolic Times-July, 2012 Make Sure the Only Dimples You Have are on Your Face

Okay, I knew I’d get your attention with the headline. But seriously, how much better would your life be if you added exercise to your daily equation?

If you said a great deal, you are correct! Exercise benefits your body, mind, and spirit! It’s not just about shrinking your booty to a smaller size, it’s about improving your health, re-connecting with your spirit and expanding your brain function!

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Annabolic Times-May, 2012 Memorial Day

This weekend we honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in military service to our great country. Please take some time this weekend to do so.

While not in any way diminishing the efforts of our servicemen and women, I ask you to also spend some time this weekend thinking of three deceased individuals in your life, be they family or friends, for whom you have great admiration.

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Annabolic Times-May, 2012 Journal Entries are Not Just for Accountants

You must have control of the authorship of your own destiny. The pen that writes your life story must be held in your own hand.” ~Irene C. Kassorla

The Write Path

If you are taking the time to read this newsletter (and I thank you for doing so), it’s a pretty good bet that you are looking to design a new and better life. As you begin the work of creating a fantabulous future, it’s important to remember that you came into this world as a creative being. Whatever you’ve created so far, YOU created it; so bless it and move forward!

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Annabolic Times-April, 2012 Got Balance?

What Would Make 2012 Great for YOU?


What would make 2012 your best year yet? Please do me and you a favor and leave the political stuff OUT. How would you fill in YOUR blank?

Here’s one idea: How about life balance?

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Annabolic Times-March, 2012 Putting the “U” in FUN

Author Carlos Casteneda said: “It takes just as much energy to be miserable as it does to be happy.” You choose.  Is your fun-o-meter score registering at 0? If so, it may be time to FUN SHUI your life. In fact, if you want to live a more happy and balanced life, it’s just plain FUNdamental to add more playfulness and laughter. After all, fun is one of the best things to have!

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Annabolic Times-February, 2012 EI EI Oh!

Happy Valentines Day! Welcome to this month’s ANNabolic Times!

As Valentine’s Day approaches, you may be thinking about the state of relationships in your life. Relationships are the cornerstone of an extraordinary life. How are yours?

The most important relationship you have is the one that you have with—you guessed it—you. If you had to describe your treatment of yourself, how would you describe it? Often times, if we treated our friends the way we treat ourselves, we wouldn’t have any. Are you treating yourself like a best friend or something else?

Maya Angelou said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” How are you making yourself feel?

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Annabolic Times-January, 2012 Life is a Balancing Act

I hope this finds you already enjoying 2012. May this year present you with happiness, health, wisdom and wealth. May it also present you with the time to take a breath and enjoy the wonderful life that you have created.

Try something for a moment. Stand up and balance yourself on one leg. Try doing it for 10 seconds. Notice how difficult or easy it is for you to hold your balance. And, more importantly, notice what’s involved in the process.

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