Seven ways to become a crabby broke-ass – part one

Most often, we see publications enticing us to get rich without trying very hard. Spend 90 minutes a week working in your PJs and make millions! On-line techniques for a gazillion dollars! Checks in your mailbox! [Read more…]


The luxury of being able to do things at your own pace should be treasured and not ignored. Provided you are creative—and everyone is creative or can develop creativity in some area of life—you can discover (perhaps rediscover) yourself and your outlets for self-expression. [Read more…]

What’s the key component to the successful entrepreneurial life?

Philosophers often speak of activities having either intrinsic value or instrumental value. As I understand this, something has intrinsic value if it provides meaning to you in and of itself. An activity that has instrumental value is more of a means to an end. [Read more…]

Is it okay if a customer outgrows you?

As you conduct your small business day-to-day, you start to have one or two customers provide more and more work for you. Initially, you are excited at the prospect. Who wouldn’t like more work? Moreover, you know it’s easier to sell to existing customers than to find new ones. What’s the problem here? [Read more…]

But you have to work for me . . .

We’ve all heard this from prospective clients for whom we have declined to offer our services. The retorts range from puzzled to angry, but the refrain is the same: we simply MUST perform services for them. [Read more…]

Goals and dreams

What goals and dreams are you working toward? [Read more…]

Why resumes are overrated

If you are hiring an employee, one of the first things you will ask for is a resume. And while you shouldn’t ignore the resume altogether — it contains background information with respect to schools, prior employment and such — relying upon it to provide you a lot of useful information may be a mistake. [Read more…]

Make some small decisions today

Let’s face it, big choices or big decisions are hard ones. That’s why they’re called “big”! [Read more…]

You have one minute to relax! :-)

In today’s mega-stress society, it’s difficult to take a 30 minute break during your workday to meditate, take a walk in nature, or engage in other meaningful activities that experts tell us are de-stressors. Here’s a suggestion you can do multiple times throughout your day. [Read more…]

The best reason to join the entrepreneurial revolution

There are two types of Fortune 500 jobs: those positions which were eliminated in the last several years, and those positions which will be eliminated in the next five. At which job are/were you working? [Read more…]